Saturday, March 21, 2009

New little black dress/top!

hahaha! I still wore white shorts with it nevertheless.- so it's okay if it looks really like a dress, or merely a top. hahaha!

my new favourite favourite song!!!!!!! Gosh i finally had time to sit down properly, screen through meticulously, and start clearing like 8000/9000 over mails from my personal hotmail account. Now left with 800 over to screen thru fast fast. A lot of spam mails man!!!!haha!
I arranged the essentials into separate folders for better organization man! haha!

I haven't been on my personal msn for like gawd knows how long too! hahaha!

Actually, I was quite shocked that this song's by Brandy. Coz usually her style's like slower, soulful and all. i think! But this song's a refreshing tune! definitely!

For image wise- i like Katy Perry, a more fun, playful, colourful, unpredictable sorta image!

Was at Winebar and Phuture with Joan and gang yesterday. Gosh. it was so crowded! haha!