Monday, January 25, 2010

Ahh! Next module is arriving soon!

Looking forward to Chinese New Year?
I wouldn't mind dressing up as a mandarin orange for Chinese New Year! !!
i found a picture of a really cool Cheong-sam-ish- corset!
Wonder if they have it in singapore!

( credits: sorry pardon me for forgetting where i took this from! : 0 )

Haha. I'm going for the I-hang-out-at-libraries-and-i-love-hanging-out-there, preppy-look now! I know! it's so UN -SHERRY! haha!
You won't be used to seeing this new image! hahaha!

okay! back to reading my notes for my last 3 assignments! Deadline on the 29TH OF JANUARY 2010!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sibei close to deadline already!!!!!!


-!Preppy Sherry-